Caring For Seniors

Even the closest family members do not know everything about their loved one’s health.

The evolution of science, medicine and technology has allowed us to live longer, more productive lives. Along with this longevity, the feeling of independence is important for most people, which is why we struggle to give up the freedom of certain activities we’ve enjoyed for so long such as driving, traveling and shopping without assistance. However, it’s equally important to know we’re not alone.

To help bridge the gap, let MY911™ be your link!

Key Benefits

Emergencies and Accidents

Unexpected, emotional and potentially life-threatening situations. Be prepared!

Would the people who care for you be able to list your medications or pre-existing conditions in an emergency?

Do they know?

  • Caregivers
  • Family Members
  • Hospital Triage Staff
  • Healthcare Powers of Attorney
  • Emergency Medical Responders

Do loved ones know if you have any life-threatening allergies that may put you at risk, and would they be able to list them accurately on your behalf?

Are loved ones worried when you’re traveling alone or with others, locally or abroad?

Do you feel secure?

  • Feel Safer, Less Worry
  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety
  • Relax and Enjoy Time with Loved Ones

Let MY911 provide a sense of comfort to seniors!

Are you frustrated with repeating or duplicating the same medical information?

Is it unreliable?

  • Stained
  • Outdated
  • Destroyed
  • Unreadable

Are you carrying a bag full of medications to explain what you are taking, because you have no other choice? 

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